"If evil of this magnitude can be ignored, if our own children forget then we deserve oblivion and earn the world's scorn."
Avedis Aharonian (writer and educator, 1866-1948), English translation by Diana Der-Hovanessian
"I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose history is ended, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, whose literature is unread, whose music is unheard, whose prayers are no longer uttered. Go ahead, destroy this race. Let us say that it is again 1915. There is war in the world. Destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them from their homes into the desert. Let them have neither bread nor water. Burn their houses and their churches. See if the race will not live again when two of them meet in a beer parlor, twenty years after, and laugh, and speak in their tongue. Go ahead, see if you can do anything about it. See if you can stop them from mocking the big ideas of the world, you sons of bitches, a couple of Armenians talking in the world, go ahead and try to destroy them....for when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a new Armenia!"
William Saroyan "The Armenian and the Armenian"
Bay Area Commemorations:
United Hands Across Cal (UHAC)
24 April 2009, 12 noon
UC Berkeley, Upper Sproul Steps
Berkeley, CA
This hour-long rally on the UC Berkeley brings together students from all walks of life to commemorate the Armenian Genocide as well as other genocides and human rights violations. The goal is to raise our voices and demand that the Armenian Genocide be recognized and to speak out against the politics that result in the denial and neglect of injustice all over the world. We hope to create a chain of students and community members stretching across the entire campus during this event.
Main Commemorative Event of the 94th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
24 April 2009, 7:00 PM
825 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco CA
Key Note Speaker, Khatchig Mouradian, Editor of the Armenian Weekly, Boston.
Grace Andonian, Master of Ceremonies. Guest Speakers and Special Cultural Performances. Free.
Armenian Genocide Information:
Armenian National Institute
Genocide 1915
The Zoryan Institute