"Do you want to go use the potty?" I asked her and instead of the usual adamant refusal, she agreed. Afterward, there was much jubilation and a group performance of the "Peeing in the Potty" dance.
I am cautiously hopeful that we may actually potty train before her fourth birthday.
From the other day, before I forget, Arabis was methodically conducting a search of the front area where we have our living and dining room.
"I can't find him!" she almost wailed, a bit plaintively.
"Who are you looking for?" I asked her. "Can I help?"
"I'm looking for Wolfie and I can't find him!"
I swallowed my my tears and scooped her up into my arms and tried to explain again that he was gone and not coming back. And that I missed him, too. We went and cuddled on the sofa with Izzy, his sister, for a bit. Then all was well for the time being.