On Sunday, Arabis, Mojo and I met my friend Lisa, her husband Evan and their fabulous son Blue for an afternoon of fun at
Children's Fairyland in Oakland. As I am thoroughly knackered and not feeling at all erudite, I am going to cheat and regale you with a photo essay of our day.
Apologies and a warning to any dial-up users out there; this post is image heavy.
We arrive.

Mojo, Arabis and I look for Lisa and her family. This gentleman is no help.

There's Lisa and Blue!

We are ravenously hungry so search out the "Johnny Appleseed Cafe." It is neither a cafe, nor does it have apples. It doesn't accept debit cards either. Lisa generously treats us to a gourmet lunch.

This is Arabis' new favorite toy. It goes
everywhere with us.

Arabis and Papa descend into the whale's maw. And quickly come back up again. Krill makes for some unpleasant dental hygiene.

Arabis climbs back and forth over this little bridge. It requires much concentration. She loses focus for one minute and skins her knees.

Total melt down. Must be worn by the mama
NOW. "Don't you
DARE take my picture!"

Lisa takes one too, for good measure. Arabis is not a happy camper.

After a snack and some cuddles, Arabis is feeling better. She discovers
the Owl and the Pussycat's boat and runs up and down the gang plank, over and over again.

Blue comes to play, too.

Back on dry land, the pair attempt to make a break for it.

Crooked Man watches from the yard of his crooked house.

Meanwhile, Mojo caddies the strollers...

...and tries out his "mean" face.

Arabis climbs.

The genie waves us on our way.

Until next time...
Thanks to Lisa for many of these photos. She took over
200 shots compared to my paltry nine. I think Lisa is a ninja paparazzi in training.